Item Synonyms Description
Napolitana Blanca A medium to large, greenish white fig with very good honey flavor. Two crops and early producer.
Napolitana Negra An extra large, black fig well known from Spain with outstanding flavor.
Native d'Argentieull An excellent quality, small violet fig.
Negra Murcianna A very good honey flavored, large black fig.
Negretta A very sweet, small black fig.
Negronne Also known as Violette de Bourdeaux. The rich, sweet acidic flavor of Negronne is delectable and nearly unmistakable. It produces small to medium sized, dark purplish black, pear shaped to turbinate figs with a deep red pulp and amber flesh. The small eye is closed making it resistant to spoiling and splitting. The ripe fruit is superb fresh but can be dried or preserved as well. Negronne may produce a breba crop in mild climates and is an excellent choice for all fig growing regions with excellent cold hardiness. The dwarf habit makes it a good choice for container culture as well.
Nero Also known as B.C. An excellent bluish black fig.
Neveralla Also known as Archipel. A large, very sweet, greenish purple to violet brown fig. It's slow growing but tree bears fruit heavily. Breba crop is good.
Northland Also known as Nordland Bergfeige. A sweet, reddish very rare, cold hardy variety fig from Switzerland.Excellent for cold climate. On a protected area, it can stand the temperature of -10°c to -14°c.